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- 04 -172015

“One hundred years of photography in the French Armed Forces”. Twelfth episode. Marc Flandrois, a war photographer both in operations and on the fringe of operations.

Enlisting at the age of nineteen, Marc Flandrois fought in Korea and French Indochina before becoming a photographer in Germany and joining the armed forces film service (SCA) in 1956. An experienced reporter, he was well used to the progress of military operations.

Deux recrues du FLN faites prisonnières au cours d'une opération au nord-est de Guelma, dans le Beni-Mezzeline, lors de leur tentative de franchissement de la frontière tunisienne, Algérie, 28 mars 1958 © ECPAD / Marc Flandrois

Although the events described in the report’s captions leave little room for doubt, they cannot have been captured spontaneously. The photograph of two prisoners, for example, is clearly staged. The shears found nearby, which constitute incriminating evidence, have been placed in the arms of one of the men. The image composed in this way is even more explicit and could be used as evidence in a criminal trial. And yet it is the impression of a staged image that dominates, an impression amplified by the fear on the faces.

Opération "Cisailles" à Oran : après le retrait des barbelés séparant la ville arabe de la ville européenne, on peut désormais circuler librement entre les quartiers, 24 novembre 1957 © ECPAD / Marc FlandroisThis was not Flandrois’ only contact with shears: in Oran in 1957 he photographed Opération Cisailles, subject of much media coverage, which pierced the physical boundary separating the Arab and European districts of the city. He tookOpération "Cisailles" à Oran : le panneau d'information d'un camion de l'action psychologique retient l'attention des riverains, 24 novembre 1957 © ECPAD / Marc Flandrois time to capture the event in full: the cutting of the barbed-wire fence by the authorities and then the people passing from one district to the other. Not far from the opening, a psychological operations truck informed people about the army’s role in the villages and drew the attention of people living nearby.

Marc Flandrois photographed military operations many times, but also towns, their inhabitants and the evolving urban fabric, as seen in the photo taken in Algiers during the works of the Constantine Plan.

L'habitat en Algérie, dans le cadre du plan de Constantine. D'importants chantiers sont lancés dans les banlieurs, en particulier à Alger ou les bidonvilles sont détruits afin d'y être remplacés par de grands ensembles © ECPAD / Marc Flandrois


Photos credits : © ECPAD / Marc Flandrois

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