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- 03 -202015

“One hundred years of photography in the French Armed Forces”. Fourth episode. Liberations through photographs.

Louis Viguier emerged as a photographer with the armed forces film service (SCA) between November 1944 and May 1945.

Libération de Cernay par la 4e DMM, Alsace, 2-5 février 1945 © ECPAD / Louis Viguier

In Cernay, in the Colmar pocket, in February 1945, the troops of the 4th Moroccan mountain division (DMM) pass through the town they have just liberated. Viguier captures a variety of expressions on the faces of a watching family: a little girl, intrigued, a woman — perhaps her mother — smiling hopefully. But it is above all the severe expression of the grandmother and the man, staring at the liberators and unconscious of the photographer’s presence, that catches our attention: faces exhausted by five years of war, no doubt wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Action d'un peloton spécial lors des combats pour le libération de Mulhouse : les légendes d'origines nous apprennent qu'il s'agit de la capture d'un membre des SS, habilé en civil, Alsace 20-26 novembre 1944 © ECPAD / Louis ViguierViguier produced several reports on the liberation of Alsace. One, shot in Mulhouse, draws the viewer’s eye: the men of a special platoon attack a building where Germans are holed up. The Germans finally surrender and Viguier photographs a terrified man on the ground:

”Arrested, the SS officer, in civilian clothes, begs our soldiers not to kill him” he writes in his caption
Réddition de soldats allemands retranchés dans une maison de Mulhouse en ruine, capturés par des soldats de la 1ere division blindée (DB) ou de la 9e DIC lors des combats de reconquête de la ville, Alsace, 20-26 novembre 1944 © ECPAD / Louis Viguier

In mid-April 1945, troops of the 9th colonial infantry division (DIC) pass through the town of Kehl. Louis Viguier takes an explosive, comical image of a jeep’s passengers, doubtless amused, passing an effigy of Hitler, his arms in the air in an attitude of surrender.

Des éléments de la 9e DIC traversent la ville de Kehl libérée, Allemagne, 15 au 16 avril 1945 © ECPAD / Louis Viguier

Viguier shares in the fighters’ daily lives, and sometimes, clearly, the risks to which they are exposed. Back in France, he produced a few more reports on the reconstruction of the country before disappearing from view.

Photo credit : © ECPAD / Louis Viguier


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