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- 08 -052014

Les Invalides during the Great War, fifth episode : opening of the Hôtel des Invalides

The crowd has come through the gates of the Hôtel des Invalides and moves towards the main courtyard.

La foule rentre aux Invalides © Paris, musée de l’Armée dist. RMN-GP

Civils, militaires, hommes, femmes, enfants se retrouvent dans la cour d’honneur autour des canons de 77 et des avions pris aux Allemands. © Paris, musée de l’Armée dist RMN-GP Since 1915, three times week, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 12 midday to 4Morceaux du zeppelin allemand abattu le 21 février 1916 près de Revigny dans la Meuse © Paris, musée de l’Armée dist RMN-GP p.m., the public is invited to visit the building which houses the trophies taken from adversaries, an Army museum, a hospital, a retirement home for some old residents from past wars, etc. Civilians and servicemen crowd in and stare at the photograph. They may also attend when a decoration is presented in the main courtyard.

MA_BA_IGG_ep5-1-2_20140804The weather is unsettled for the gentleman in the foreground carrying an umbrella. Beside him, two soldiers, smiling, have put one hand inside their greatcoat, similarly to the statue of Napoleon by Seurre (1798-1858) which awaits them in the main courtyard. In the forefront, a woman, also carrying an umbrella is MA_BA_IGG_ep5-1-1_20140804accompanied by her daughter. There are other children there, well-covered as it seems to be cold. To the right of the photograph, two women arm-in-arm, have taken out their furs and feathers. A bank topped by a thick hedge which no longer exists today borders the central path.

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